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Holocaust Memorial Day Competition

Be the light in the darkness was the theme for this years Holocaust Memorial Day and we commemorated it with a competition for students.

The theme encourages everyone to reflect on the dark depths humanity can sink to but also the ways in which individuals and communities resisted that darkness to 'be the light' before, during and after genocide.

We can all stand in solidarity. We can choose to be the light in the darkness in a variety of ways and places - at home, in public and online.

To commemorate the event and to encourage them to look for their 'light', we asked students to create a collage of different pictures which celebrated the people, groups, places and objects which bring us and others light in times of darkness.

Thank you to all entrants for the Holocaust Memorial Day project. We received some excellent, thoughtful entries, focusing on the theme 'Being the light in the darkness'. A theme which also seems so fitting for the current time in our lives.

The winners were:
1st. 400 points to the house - Sophie C5
2nd. 300 points to the house - Izzy B7
3rd. 200 points to the house - Carlos C5
4th. 100 points to the house - Riya K5

The winning entries can be seen below.

1st place 2nd place

1st place - Sophie C5


2nd place = Izzy B7


3rd place 4th place

3rd place - Carlos C5


4th place - Riya K5