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PiXL Edge is a framework for secondary schools and sixth form providers to develop and accredit students in attitudes, attributes and skills essential for employability and life.

Through a series of accredited tasks and activities (including target-setting and self-reflection) PiXL Edge enables students to systematically enhance their skills. 

There has been no national framework drawing together and accrediting the huge range of valuable activities which students undertake alongside their academic activities. Until now.

The Edge / LORIC

As a School that never stands still and is always looking to improve; we want our pupils to follow our footsteps and strive to be the best they can be. The LORIC Edge programme will allow them to develop and be accredited for five key essential attributes which have been especially chosen for their formative qualities in character development as well as their desirability by employers.

What are the LORIC attributes?

  • Leadership
  • Organisation
  • Resilience
  • Initiative
  • Communication

All students are introduced to The LORIC Edge programme and log their activities and provide evaluations for each one. We hope this will encourage them to get involved in as many extra-curricular opportunities as possible both in and out of school – some of which they may have never even thought of before now!

We want to ensure that your child leaves Manor High School not only with the best qualifications possible but with a myriad of personal attributes allowing them to stand out from the crowd and achieve their goals. Competition for University places and employment today is ever increasing and together we can help your child embrace this programme that will undoubtedly give them the Edge.

Information for Parents

There are numerous activities in which your child can be accredited for; from something as simple as helping to lead a warm up in PE lessons to organising a stall for the school summer fair. There are also many activities outside school which can be accredited.

As parents we invite you to be part of their unique journey; encourage your child to talk to you regularly about their progress and achievements with the LORIC Edge. As a School we will be rewarding pupils regularly for logging the most activities. We will also reward those pupils who show perseverance and true determination to complete activities each term. The House competitions each half term are also based around the attributes of LORIC.

If you are unsure about the LORIC Edge; how the programme runs or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.