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Year 11 Easter Revision Sessions

Details of our Year 11 Easter Revision sessions have been announced.

There will be a mixture of online live lessons, independent work and face to face sessions for some students in the first week of the Easter break in order for them to keep momentum over the holidays. 

The timetable (below) is designed to give some structure and for parents to be aware and able to support at home.  Subject teachers will be in contact with students to ensure they are aware of any sessions and the expectations around this. 

The most popular question from students about this over the course of the week has been “Do we have to wear school uniform?”.  I confirm that they will not need to wear school uniform if they are asked to come into school for a session

Year 11 Easter Revision Timetable


Monday 29th  March 2021

Tuesday 30th March 2021

Weds 31st March 2021

Thursday 1st April 2021

9am- 12pm




Option A


12pm- 12.30pm





12.30pm- 3pm



Option B


Option A: CS, BS, Ar, Fd, Me, H&F  

Option B: CS, BS, Te, Dr, PE, Mu