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February 2021 Year 11 PPE Timetable

To ensure our students are best prepared for whatever happens with their GCSE exams, we have put in place our Pre-Public Exams (PPEs) for after the half-term break for February 2021.

Each year we thoroughly prepare our Year 11 students for their GCSEs in a number of ways, one of which is PPEs (once known as mock exams). This year, although the circumstances and situation is very different to normal, it is still important to us to ensure our students and well-prepared and supported through their final months of GCSE study.

To fit in with the current online learning, our PPEs have been adapted so students can sit them from home. The PPEs will start after February half-term and are spread over three weeks.

The timetable for the year 11 PPEs can be found on our Exam Procedures page and below. This has been emailed to all students.

Currently the first two weeks of assessments will all be online. The third week (wb 8th March) has been planned to be in classrooms.

We are still awaiting confirmation from the government as to whether schools will return from 8th March. Should the Year 11 students not return to school that week, the PPE's will revert to online assessments.

If you have any questions regarding PPEs, you can contact our exams officer or the curriculum leader.