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The Manor High Media Mail

If this was a newspaper, it would definitely be subtitled the Lockdown Edition. Mrs Bharakhda has supportive messages for our Media students to keep them going.

Thanks go to all of our Media studies students. Learning a new subject from scratch is a challenge in itself, but you have all shown your resilience in coping with change and your motivation and drive to still want to learn without the usual aids. Well done and please remember, I am so proud of you.

Year 10

Year 10 are probably tired of hearing me say the three letters “CSP”. However, these are crucial for the study of Media. Each year, the exam board released a variety of 18 Media products that students must explore, understand, analyse and know inside-out before entering their Year 11 exams. In order to complete all 18 by early next year, it is vital that we continue with our study of these during our time at home.

At the beginning of lockdown, students were given a crucial booklet containing all things Media. You must ensure this booklet is complete by the time we return to school as it forms a basis to a lot of things you will need to know next year.

I was overwhelmed with how well you all responded to this task. Not only did you demonstrate your excellent essay writing skills, but you also showed a great understanding of the film industry. Tasks like these are immeasurable when revising for those 20 mark answers in your exams.

More recently, you have been working on analysing the band One Direction and their last music video, History. I have been very impressed by your creativity with this and look forward to seeing more work with that X-Factor.

Tasks for Year 10

  • A revision booklet all things Media
  • Dr Strange vs I, Daniel Blake – the differences between high budget and low budget films
  • One Direction – how the video for History appeals to the target audience
  • A One Direction fact file
  • Analysis of One Direction’s music video

Year 11

Where to start? I’d like to say well done and farewell to our wonderful Year 11 students. I know the end of your time at Manor was sprung upon you suddenly but you handled it with grace and poise. I wish you all an abundance of success and happiness for the future and I will miss you dearly.

Parents and Carers

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you and well done to all the parents, guardians and carers of our students. I understand motivating and encouraging your children at home, during these unprecedented times, is challenging but we all appreciate your hard-work and perseverance. Thank you.