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Sania's Marathon Walk

Sania, in Y10, has pledged to walk a marathon in 7 days to raise money for DFN UK (Dignity Freedom Network) and the NHS.

It is no surprise to us that even during lock down our caring students are thinking of how they can help others. Her target is to raise £500 towards these two charities. Along with a friend, she has decided to walk the week following 18th May. Sania says, "We are going to walk a marathon over 7 days, which is 80 kilometres in total. I am passionate about fundraising for DFN UK and the NHS for the amazing work they do in keeping people safe."

DFN's aim is to see the poor, marginalised and outcastes of society transition to living in Dignity and Freedom. Their programmes are designed, led and staffed by nationals, with a holistic approach focusing on four key areas of education, healthcare, economic empowerment and trafficking prevention.

NHS Charities Together provide extra vital funds and services to NHS hospitals, ambulances, mental and community health trusts and health boards. This funding is above and beyond what the government provides and is spent on enhancing care and experience of patients.

If you would like to support her please visit her fundraising page: