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Manor High tries CSI

On 17th December a mix of Year 8 and 9 students attended the Loughborough Maze event held by Loughborough University.

This day aimed to provide context and support Year 8 and Year 9 students before they make their GCSE options choices. 

The event involved a combination of subject tasters, with existing Loughborough students on hand to share their own experiences.

One group commenced the day with a rocket making activity. Students had an introduction on how to make a paper rocket and were asked to consider its aerodynamics: how to make it balanced, what angle it would fly at and what would make it fly the furthest? Each group was in competition with the other schools attending.  Manor High came first and fifth in one group and first and second in the other group.

Students at Loughborough Maze

Students then went on to the geography lecture lab where they became river detectives! They examined pond bacteria and various creatures under powerful microscopes, including shells from thousands of years ago.

Finally, they donned their white suits and gloves for the Forensics session. They tackled the CSI crime scene where they were given a crime scene to investigate and try to solve the crime, considering suspects and alibis while also using techniques, such as magnetic dust to take fingerprints and examining fibres from clothing and hair. 

Students left the day better informed as to how GCSE’s can impact on their future A-level and HE options and where GCSE subjects could take them through future course options and careers. They also had great fun and were thoroughly inspired!

Students at Loughborough Maze
Students at Loughborough Maze