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Help the Homeless Christmas Appeal

In the run up to Christmas the school are supporting a wonderful local charity, Help the Homeless, to produce care packs for anyone without a home or living in temporary accommodation.

This is a charity that provides warm clothing, food and shelter for those who are struggling on the streets in our city as well as also supporting families who find it difficult to make ends meet. The charity shop accepts donations such as new toys, clothes and household items to support service users to gain some independence when placed into accommodation.

Each tutor group was allocated an item (such as gloves, a toothbrush, plasters) and each child asked to bring in that item. Our students contributed generously enabling us to gift a large number of packs to this very deserving cause. 

The Well-being Ambassadors sorted through the donations, which will make a real difference to the people who receive them. Some students went above and beyond in what they gave, with one even encouraging her dad to run the campaign in his workplace and then bring the proceeds into school.

A number of these students had the opportunity to meet with some of the charity’s volunteers on Monday 16th December, when the packs were delivered to the charity shop on Abbey Street Leicester. Whilst delivering the items the students themselves sorted and wrapped the donations to make life a little bit easier for those in need.

Help the Homeless tweeted, "A big thank you to the staff, children and parents of Manor High School for their generous donation of warm winter clothing, food items and toiletries etc. all for the homeless and people we accommodate.  These will really be appreciated as is your support."

Getting the donations ready
Getting the donations ready