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Careers Speed Networking Event

The Careers Speed Networking event was a thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening experience, successfully providing an eye-opening insight in to the world of work.

The chance to speak to multiple employers and employees has been vastly beneficial in both motivating and encouraging all 300 students present to pursue our passions with regards to future careers. The event entailed 12 fast paced meetings followed by a question and answer session with the Chief Executive of Morning Side Pharmaceuticals and 5 employees who, not long ago, were in similar positions to many Manor students, wondering what career pathways to follow. As the future workforce, events such as this, helping us to make informed choices about our futures, are truly invaluable. The plethora of employability tips we gleaned alone posing the question of why more events like this are not organised!

In summary, the fast-paced Careers Networking Event was interesting and informative, with the amiable business representatives offering up a seemingly endless supply of tips to help us in the future. All 16 Manor students that attended agreed that this was a fantastic opportunity and great insight, particularly for those of us that are still undecided on the next steps of our journey after Manor.

Riese – Year 10