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Open Mornings available to book now!

Choosing the right school for your child is a top priority for all parents, so we invite you to discover the 'Magic of Manor' at our Open Mornings.

We understand the importance of ensuring the school you choose is the right fit for your child. You want a school where they will be happy and can grow and progress over the years they attend.

We welcome prospective parents to visit our school throughout the year.

Open Mornings

We feel that the best way to get the true feel for a school is to visit on a normal working day. We believe that seeing our school as it is every day, is really important and gives prospective families a chance to experience for themselves the 'Magic of Manor'.

For this reason, we run a comprehensive programme of Open Mornings, small personalised tours with a senior member of staff, where you can see our students and staff in action, ask the questions personal to you and see why we love our school as much as we do.

You can book on our Open Mornings here: